
Who we are:

Life Hope Treatment Centre (L.H.T.C) is a religious based health care of the Seventh Day Adventist Church- Kenya Lake Conference. L.H.T.C was started in 2013 in the month of June in response to the high rate of drug and alcohol addiction cases and the need to rehabilitate addicts and to restore broken lives and families. LHTC is located within the Headquarters of the SDA Kenya Lake Conference in Kendu Bay and off Kendu Bay-Oyugis road, next to Gendia Boys High School.

LHTC caters for both male and female clients and has a capacity of 30 clients. Since it began, LHTC has handled a number of clients who have recovered and are in good contact with this Treatment centre in assistance towards their continuous journey of recovery and to help those addicts who still suffer.

 Treatment Plan.

LHTC focuses on the personal growth, spiritual progress, positive lifestyle and personal responsibility and acceptance.

 It also enhances inculcation of positive values and change within the society. This healthcare facility has treatment plan that is implemented in three stages.

Orientation stage.

This is the stage that the client begins between 24 hours and 96 hours after the admission at the centre. This treatment stage handles the clients immediate challenges of withdrawal experience. Denial problems are also broken at this stage. Natural detoxification also begins at this stage. The clients are introduced to the centre normal operation program.

This stage takes a period of two weeks.

Primary Treatment Stage.

This stage entails the 12 step-work program and this is the core of the treatment of addiction. The stage runs for a period of eight weeks. Primary counseling or treatment stage helps the clients to understand the benefits of quitting the use of alcohol or drugs.

Spiritual awakening is also learnt at this stage. This helps the client to be aware of the presence of God through prayer and meditation.

Discharge Plan or Relapse Prevention stage.

This is the last stage of treatment program at LHTC. Relapse prevention stage helps in teaching the clients on what they have to expect in the society once discharged like, compulsion by old friends to have a drink, craving and mechanisms of minizing them.

This stage also equips the clients with tools to use during their endless journey of recovery and how they can help other suffering addicts.

A client who had failed due to the use of drugs is capable of rising to a sober life.

Discharge plan or Relapse prevention stage takes 2 weeks.


LHTC does its admission of clients between 8am and 5pm of any day of the week. On admission the clients should be willing to work the program for the period of time depending on their drug of use.

Alcoholics should undergo a 3- month period treatment while drug addicts should stay in treatment for a period of 6 months.

The clients should also sign admission agreement and should read and understand the rules and regulation of the centre and will always be expected  to adhere to such rules for the entire period of stay within the centre.

The clients should bring enough personal effects like clothes, shoes, toothbrush and toothpaste, bathing and washing soap, bathing towel, writing material and pens, toilet tissue. Accommodation and meals are available and are catered for and are charged in the fees the client pays.

Client's sponsors or parents are however not allowed to visit him/her within one month of admission.

Financial Obligations.

LHTC charges 30,000/- per month that sums to 90,000/- for three months. Instalments payment is accepted. Adminssion fee of 2,000/- only payable on admission.We also charge a psychiatric fees of 4000 on admission.Lack of fees on admission cannot hinder any client from being admitted. In case of such a case the Manager of the centre must be made aware of such admission

The management reserves all the rights to alter the charges.

Other financial obligations.

  • The sponsors will also meet  other financial obligations like medical treatment outside the facility which are invoiced and added on the fee. 
  • Client's pocket money which must be kept by the office.


L.H.T.C is one of the Health facilities under Seventh Day Adventist Church- Kenya Lake Conference. Its administration is hierarchical.


Executive Director - KLC

 Director of Health Ministry

 Manager L.H.T.C


 Support Staff, Cooks and Security Officers.

Find us:

Life Hope Treatment Centre is located within the Headquarters of Seventh Day Adventist Church- Kenya Lake Conference- Kendu Bay, off Kendu Bay- Oyugis Road next to Gendia SDA Church.

Contact us:

Office Phone number: 0799791737

Eld. Joshua Owiyo: +254722926318.

Mrs. Eunice Ogembo: 0719175704.

Email Address

P.O. BOX 43-40301- Kendu Bay- Kenya.